Monday, August 27, 2007

26 Days

It is only 26 days till the O'Reilly Fall Nationals. It seems only like yesterday we were coming back from the O'Reilly Spring Nationals. So much has changed, it is only about 90 days from when I will be holding my newest family member, Hope Raegan Turner! That is much more exciting than any Drag race. That does not in any way mean I will not enjoy the Drag Races, I can't wait. This time I have a new digital camera so I can load the pics up the day I get back. It has a pretty good zoom on it as well. I hope I get to at least get a Picture of John and Ashely. That would be so cool. Tyler started 3rd grade today. I was telling Barb, that it just seemed like yesterday he was going to kindergarten. I guess tomorrow Hope will be off to school and the day after tomorrow Tyler will be graduating high school. Time flies when you have such a blessed life like I do.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

What I believe!

Things have been going great lately, with the exception of some little bumps with my little brother. I have been thinking about stuff that really makes me get up in the morning or afternoon since I work at night. So here we go!
I believe:
1. That NASCAR commentators should banned from using the term "Drag Race". At no point ina 500 mile race is it a drag race. There is no christmas tree, no water box and more inpotantly only 800 horse power.
2. That NHRA should be on live TV every weekend and they should tape delay NASCAR!
3. RN's should stay the hell out of my way!
4. My wife is beautiful and when I tell her she agrees with me, that is not a bad thing!
5. Don't try to convince me to buy a rice burner when I want American Made Steel (Harley).
6. Barry Bonds should be banned from baseball for the rest of his existence and Pete Rose should be in the Hall.
7. Baseball in general should be discontinued period, they pissed me off in 1994 and I have never gotten over it.
8. Ashely Force is the hottest woman in sports period, if you are reading this go vote for her. This is the link
9. I hate when they rerun shows they have just shown like a week ago. I know the reruns are necessary, but dig back like 6 months ago.
10. Finally (for now), I believe that tattoos are sexy on women. I am a conservative and I think all you stuffed shirts need to get over it.

Just me

Just me
Talking ****


NHRA Championship Drag Racing

NHRA Championship Drag Racing