So much to discuss, so much anger in the world today. And I am not an authority on any of it, but I have a computer at my disposal and the ablitity to hunt and peck my way through the english language. Well at least Texanese!
No, I have not felt the heat of battle, but I work among those who have. I do not respect them just for that but for their dedication even after the fact. They continue to love this country who has abandon them. I know you are thinking this is not the same as during the Vietnam era with protest from sea to shining sea. I realize this, it is much more subtle. They have the World Wide Web to be discriminated against, to be be spit upon and protested against.
I try not to mix business with pleasure, but sometimes business of freedom and supporting our men and women that are in harms way is my pleasure. Remember what I think or post here are my own thoughts. So, when people make statements about our place as a country in the world that I find, well, for lack of a better term treasonous, I might have something to say about that. When I have been in the position of defending this country for 6 years 11 months and 25 days (but who is counting) and someone makes statements that they would never lay their life down for their country, especially in these times. My ears perk up, just like a cat who hears the can opener go off.
It aggravates me when someone has anything negative to say about our troops when they are not willing to leave their safe lifestyle. They have the nerve to condemn those who provide the freedom to say these things.
I recently caught a web video of a speech by LTC Allen West (see that video here) congressman for Florida's 22nd district. I am not even going to try to quote him, but essence he said those of you who are or were in the military took an oath, it has no statute of limitations. That really threw me off, cause I took that oath 3 times, twice on inital enlistment and once when I reenlisted. So, I am bound by it till God calls me home. The part I liked the most was "defend the constitution from enemies foreign and domestic". I think we have a bunch on both fronts. By the way, I have no vested interest in whether or not Congressman West is re-elected. I can't help him, I live in Texas. I just enjoyed watching the video. I happen to agree with everything he says in the video.
We need more men and women of conviction like LTC West. Not just a bunch of ad executives providing slick marketing campaigns to get our attention long enough to get them into office.
After watching the video I really had to ask myself am I ready to risk my life for my fellow man even if he is not willing to risk his. I came up with the same answer as I did 3 times, yes I will. If you disagree with me, I will. If you hate me for my comments, I will. There are no conditions on whether I will fix my bayonet to protect this country and the values it was built upon. It is not about me or even us, it is for my childrens children and their children. I want for my own children not a country where everything is provided for them but for them to have an opportunity to excell, by the sweat of their own brow.
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