Sunday, November 18, 2007

Money is Overrated!

Yeah I know but try to live without it. On 14 Nov 2007, my life changed and it will never be the same. No, I didn't find Jesus, we have been in touch, I became the father of a daughter. I feel like the luckiest man in the world. I have 2 terrific sons, both are gentlemen, and i love them with all my heart. However, I feel like there has been this change in my life that only Fathers of daughters can understand. It is best feeling I think I have ever had. I guess if you just listen to Rodney Atkins "Cleaning this Gun", you will understand. It is now my favorite song. I can't wait until they get home later today. it is going to be awesome. I asked my wife if anything could make her happier and she said no. I said even a million dollars. She said she had that right there in her arms! Life is awesome. He is a picture and I think she is the most beautiful little girl in the world.

Friday, November 02, 2007

So much is goin on!

I hope I am able to communicate my thoughts. I feel like I am living in a stream of consciousness. You know where one thing doesn't have anything to with anything else. First of all Hope's birthday has been put off until 14 Nov. 2007. Which really put me in a pickle because I had already, requested certain days off at work and everything was pretty much set. Then the Dr. decided oh I have overbooked my day on the 12th so we need to put you off until the 14th. So that has been a source of stress. Then he decided Barb needs to be on bed rest. Which I have been wondering why they didn't to this like a month ago. With all of this going on about 2 weeks ago my Mom fell and broke her hip, she live like 400 miles away. I never could get to talk to her until today. She is doing fine and all. In a rehab center. I can't just get in the car and go see her because Barb could pop at any moment. Then my exxxxxxxxxxxx-wife is playing games with my youngest son, which just gets under my skin. I could care less how it affects her, but I get to explain to him that his mother is not going to pick him up again. To his credit he would rather hang out here with us anyway. It's her loss. Then there is work which is always a source of stress, since I work with about 6 or 7 people who all have multiple personalities. Like Forrest said "It's like a box of chocolates, you never know what you are gonna get". I am not complaining, just need to vent a little. I feel much better now. Now only if Tony Pedergon would DNQ this weekend, the last weekend of Drag Racing that would be a beautiful thing.

Monday, September 24, 2007

O"Reilly Fall Nationals!!!

First of all I was there!! I saw a blast of smoke and dust when John and Kenny wrecked! They will both be back, you can go to Vegas on that! The following is what is in my craw right now!!

I really dig John Force!! He is the best ambassador for his sport, and he should be an example to all other athletes on how to carry him in the public eye!! I’m not saying he is a saint by any means. So with being said lets throw a few prayers out to the Force Family, Force Team and for John to return to his old self. This team has gone through every emotion I can think of this year. Now my big beef is with the media in general, the only reason that anyone on TV is talking about NHRA is because of yesterday’s wreck. And that alone really, well I would like to use a bunch of expletives here but I will refrain. NHRA Drag Racing is the most exciting sport out there. I would rather go to INDY than the Super bowl with Box Seats! There is not a sport where you can get close to your heroes as NHRA. There is not a sport that even gives any attention to the fans as NHRA. If you went to a NASCAR race can you get a picture with your favorite driver, highly doubtful. Only if you know someone, who knows someone, who has a brother-in-law who has a friend that might be willing to introduce you to the ….well you get the point. If it was up to me those round and round guys would be tape delayed and NHRA would be live!!

Friday, September 21, 2007

Sunday is the day!!!

Oh man Sunday is the day I have been waiting on for a year!! The O'Reilly Fall Nationals are underway as we speak. The eliminations are just like 1 day and a few hours away!! So much going on. I just found out that one of our heroes back from Iraq was discriminated against at Fiesta Texas, they called him cripple and would let him ride a ride!! All I have to say is just sign the check Fiesta Texas and he can fill out the rest. The baby is really moving around and it won't be long. I am so looking forward to this!! Can't wait to be the Daddy of a little girl!! Oh by the way it's less than 190 days till the Spring nationals in Houston!!

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Only about 9 more Days

Well, only about 9 days till the O'Reilly Fall Nationals!!! I am stoked about going. The other day, I could have swore I smelled nitromethane!! And seeing Ashely Force on Leno the other was cool! Not much else going on. Amazingly enough I really don't have much to say right now. I did get a new digital camera and will be posting the pictures from the race soon after I get back.

Monday, August 27, 2007

26 Days

It is only 26 days till the O'Reilly Fall Nationals. It seems only like yesterday we were coming back from the O'Reilly Spring Nationals. So much has changed, it is only about 90 days from when I will be holding my newest family member, Hope Raegan Turner! That is much more exciting than any Drag race. That does not in any way mean I will not enjoy the Drag Races, I can't wait. This time I have a new digital camera so I can load the pics up the day I get back. It has a pretty good zoom on it as well. I hope I get to at least get a Picture of John and Ashely. That would be so cool. Tyler started 3rd grade today. I was telling Barb, that it just seemed like yesterday he was going to kindergarten. I guess tomorrow Hope will be off to school and the day after tomorrow Tyler will be graduating high school. Time flies when you have such a blessed life like I do.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

What I believe!

Things have been going great lately, with the exception of some little bumps with my little brother. I have been thinking about stuff that really makes me get up in the morning or afternoon since I work at night. So here we go!
I believe:
1. That NASCAR commentators should banned from using the term "Drag Race". At no point ina 500 mile race is it a drag race. There is no christmas tree, no water box and more inpotantly only 800 horse power.
2. That NHRA should be on live TV every weekend and they should tape delay NASCAR!
3. RN's should stay the hell out of my way!
4. My wife is beautiful and when I tell her she agrees with me, that is not a bad thing!
5. Don't try to convince me to buy a rice burner when I want American Made Steel (Harley).
6. Barry Bonds should be banned from baseball for the rest of his existence and Pete Rose should be in the Hall.
7. Baseball in general should be discontinued period, they pissed me off in 1994 and I have never gotten over it.
8. Ashely Force is the hottest woman in sports period, if you are reading this go vote for her. This is the link
9. I hate when they rerun shows they have just shown like a week ago. I know the reruns are necessary, but dig back like 6 months ago.
10. Finally (for now), I believe that tattoos are sexy on women. I am a conservative and I think all you stuffed shirts need to get over it.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

I'm just an LVN! (Apparently I will stay an LVN)

I have spent the last 2 months looking for loans, scholarships or other means to pay for school. So, I can finish my BSN degree. I am registered for school this fall. i got the bill today. I will probably end up having to drop out because I am having a time finding funding for this. I not asking for a handout. I don't qualify for a pell grant and most people can't believe that. I guess I'm the only one who can't get one. There are reasons I am suspicious for why I can't get one. If I could get a loan to finish school, the Civil Service department can actually pay it back. I am a Civil Service LVN at BAMC. Anyway, I have come to the conclusion that if I am supposed to be a RN then it will happen. If not then I'll just be an LVN.

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Memorial Day!

As anyone who knows me, knows first and foremost I support the War in Iraq and Afghanistan, for this reason, either we do it there or we do it here. I prefer there. I am not a combat vet, I did serve during the first Gulf War. I wish we had finished this then, the politics were a little different. Now I read those who have served during the current War in Iraq and Afghanistan, they have intimate knowledge. I read Blackfive, they know and they know people who are there right now. I depend on what they have to say about it more than i ever would CNN or even Fox news. I found on their site a very interesting you tube video, you can go there and decide for yourself. Find it here. Anyway let me know your thoughts.

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Man what can I say?

John Force is just 6 rounds out of the top 8 for Countdown. The way he has been performing is really getting old though. I know that as a 14 time champ he has to bring it harder every year, but at some point I think you have to go back to your tried and true system for winning. The next 6 races will be very interesting, they are back to back. With not too much time to test between races they will be forced to just go with what brung them.

Now about the San Antonio Spurs, everyone here in San Antonio are absoulutely stoked about the 4 championship in 9 years. Some are even calling it a dynasty. I think Tony Parker said best on Letterman tonite "we need the back to back before we can really talk about a dynasty." I really agree with him.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

The eve of a fourth Championship!

Well it has been a long time since I have posted I mean Steve Nash is all rested up and his tears have dried up, everyone is now calling the Spurs boring, when 1 month ago they were dirty. People just cannot stick to their story. Do I dare get out my broom, well yes and no. I really think it will be over tomorrow. I will not be disappointed if the Cavs can actually pull one out. They will just be postponing the inevitable. I have said all season there is not a team in the NBA who can outlast the Spurs in a 7 game series. Even when the were not playing that well back in December and January, I said that. I knew they would get it together. They had the best record after the All-Star break. All i have to say is Go Spurs Go!!!

Now to more important matters. John Force is really struggling. The next nine weeks will be very interesting in Drag Racing. John really needs to pull a couple of wins. Hopefully in these next 9 weeks Ashely will get a win or 2. Robert Hight is still second in the points even after he DNQ last week. Brandon Bernstein dropped to second when he didn't qualify last week as well. Also, he is not someone to be too worried about. He has had the most consistent dragster in Top Fuel this year. As long as Tony Shumacher continues to lose in early rounds all is good. I would love to see him DNQ.

Saturday, May 19, 2007

Go Spurs Go!!

Now it is time to hear all the people who proclaimed the Spurs as a dirty team, the NBA commissioner as helping them out and all that. Let me point out a few things the Suns had their chances to win this series, they lost game 1 at home, what was the excuse oh Tony Parker's head got in the way of Steve Nash's nose, and they couldn't stop the bleeding. Then there was the infamous game 4 where yeah I'll give you that Robert Horry shouldn't have done what he did, oh and wasn't he punished for that, I believe he was. And so were Amare Stoudemire and Boris Diaw and by the rules for their part in that. Don't blame Robert Horry for them leaving the bench. He didn't make them leave their bench. Of course in the mind of all Sun's fans worldwide he did, have control of them. I believe they were in control of their own body parts. So, let the excuses fly Sun's fan. Spurs fan will just move on to the next round.

Friday, May 11, 2007

Just a few things....

OK...the President of the United States is going to veto the Dems Latest attempt to bring our troops home, so he has had a meeting with a bunch of the Republican leaders in congress and they seem to have come to a compromise with "benchmarks"......sounds like a fancy name for a time line to me. I know it is different but I know that when to government says they are going to do something they never do it like they say they are unless it is getting in to my back pocket, that they are very proficient at and accomplish it with a great amount of accuracy.

Now on the Drag racing front not that many people care about the sport, but I do. I cannot understand why the sport is not marketed better. I think John Force should be on every station promoting GTX Castrol motor oil. It would be real easy to put him and Ashely on the Tonite Show with Leno, seeing how big of a motor head Leno is. I also think every event should be televised live just like NASCAR, show NASCAR tape delayed. They are just going around and around and around.

Now about something even my wife will find interesting, I bore her to death most of the time. Amare Stoudemire, basically called the Spurs out as a dirty team, well really only called out Bruce Bowen and Manu Ginobili as dirty players. Certain players in the league have been on Bruce's back about this for a long time. It seems every year it is someone the last couple of years it has been Ray Allen of the Sonics, at least that is where he played last time they were in the playoffs (how's that vacation Ray) I don't know where he is playing today, I don't waste my time keeping up with where non-Spurs are playing. When Karl Malone was driving the lane and kicking David Robinson in the chest no one called him a dirty player ( which he was), he didn't even get called for a foul on the many times that happened. The whole league has knock down drag out brawls and no one even some much as blinks about them, (mainly large market teams). But when one of my beloved Spurs accidentally glances at someones Achilles, they are automatically dirty. Where is the outrage. Come on Spurs fan......get up off your couch and say something. That's about covers it.

Sunday, April 29, 2007

More Pictures!

The bottom picture is the sad and empty track on Saturday when it was raining all day. The top is that same day of Kenny Bernsteins Monster Energy Drink funny car in the pits.

Houston Drace Pictures

Here are some of the pictures from the Drag Races in Houston I went to and some of you may have been waiting on.

Thursday, April 26, 2007


Now that the Congress is sending a bill that sets a time line to remove troops from Iraq, I have heard a bunch opinions. None of them at least that I have heard are educated. I think that the Congress has not taken into account what might happen if this bill was to made into law (it won't).

Let me see If I can facilitate your synapses to fire. In other words let me see if I can get you to really think about this instead of just acting on your feelings. You watch the nightly news and you see and hear of our soldiers, sailors, airmen, and marines getting injured,maimed, and killed. And you may say to yourself we need to get them out of there. Don't get me wrong I do not want our military in harms way ever, I was one of them so I have a special place in my heart for them.

If we went by the time line the Democrats have set up what happens then??

Now here comes my opinion, but I'll back it up with some evidence. It is not just how I feel about something. I think that it would create more problems for us than we currently have.

What does it tell the enemy. If I was the enemy this is what it would tell me. That the American people do not have the resolve or will to protect their interest. They do not have the resolve or will to finish what they have started. And all I have to do is be patient. Once all the U.S. military is gone home then I can make as much problems for the Iraqi people I want, I can take over the country, create another dictatorship and start my own nuclear program.

I promised some evidence now here it is. Lets go back in time, back or more ago. Saddam was still in power in Iraq, the Internet was still evolving, no one had even heard of reality TV. George Bush was the President of the United States and the warlords in Africa were murdering thousands of their own people over territory. So, President Bush sent a humanitarian envoy to relieve the starving people of Africa and try to calm the waters.

Then steps in Bill Clinton who in his own wisdom escalated the humanitarian operation into his own little war. Then all of a sudden his poll numbers start dropping. And he is like "oh no run away, run away." He let the U.N. take over, huge mistake. The U.N. trying to restore peace is like a New York Traffic Cop on acid. "Stooooop......Stoooop!" Thank you Robin Williams for the material.

So we pulled out of Africa, and all hell broke loose and today it is worse there than it ever was. That is my evidence. Look it up. Or better yet read this book by General Tony Zinni called "Battle Ready", you may be able to see the similarities then. Tom Clancy and General Zinni are a lot better authors than I will ever dream of being.

Although I am a republican and I support President Bush (current and past). I have to agree with General Zinni. We had Saddam where we wanted him before the war, isolated. All of that is just speculation and really doesn't even matter any more. Saddam has been executed and we are in a war with terrorist.

My point is that if our troops leave Iraq, things will get worse all over the world. They will bring that fight to our door step. Just because we aren't there anymore doesn't mean they will hate us less. The car bombers, insurgents and terrorist want us to do one thing.......that is die.

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Starting over!!

I have been told that this blog was a little intense. After reviewing some of the posts, I had to agree. That is why those post don't exist here any more. I have been accused of being a little to high strung or passionate, which have been totally accurate. I am not going to rant an rave about personal issues whether they be good or bad. I haven't exactly figured out what I want this to be. I do not want to take other blogs and copy them or try to use their methodology. I really want it to represent me and the issues in life that I feel are really important or make me feel something, I think that is so important. Anyway I thought I would use this first post to kind of explain myself. If anyone is interested in posting here about issues they are passionate about I will be willing to read some of your stuff. I use the word passion in an attempt to get it back into the English vernacular. I believe it has been lost. Oh, people will put themselves acting the fool on Youtube. Don't get me wrong I think some of the stuff on youtube is really great in getting a message across. Most of the stuff is stupid and inane. That doesn't mean I haven't cracked a smile at it, it does not have passion though.

Just me

Just me
Talking ****


NHRA Championship Drag Racing

NHRA Championship Drag Racing